Fig. 2.
Regions of significant group difference overlaid on “pial” views (showing topical view of sulci and gyri) and “inflated” views (i.e. sulci expanded and gyri flattened) for data from 31 female GTCS patients vs 310 age-matched female controls (Female, A-D) and from 22 male GTCS vs. 220 age-matched male controls (Male, E-H). Lateral views (A, C, E, F) and medial views (B, D, F, H) in left and right brain views show areas of cortical thinning (blue scale) and thickening (red-yellow scales) in GTCS patients over controls, partitioned by sex. t-statistic thresholds (FDR Rate: p = 0.05) set in the combined male-female analysis (Fig. 1) were maintained here for consistency. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)