Phenotype analysis of Pro35S::AfSPL14 transgenic plants. (a) Flowering Pro35S::AfSPL14 transgenic plants shown next to WT and WT transformed with the empty vector (Vector) under LD conditions. L5, L12, L39, and L46 indicate the different lines. (b) Flowering Pro35S::AfSPL14 transgenic plants that had two main inflorescences under LD conditions. (c) Days and number of rosette leaves to bolting of the WT, Vector and Pro35S::AfSPL14 transgenic plants grown under LD conditions. Values are the means ± standard deviation. Seventy-nine plants were scored for each line. Difference letters indicate statistical differences. (d) Percentages of plants which have two main inflorescences grown under LD conditions. The number of plants with the second main stem developed from the base (orange), the node (ginger), and the non-node (dark green) position of the main inflorescences and plants with only one inflorescence (dark red) was calculated. One hundred and twenty-eight 38-day-old, long-day-grown plants and ninety-six 55-day-old, short-day-grown plants were counted for each line. (e) Bending and thicker main inflorescences of Pro35S::AfSPL14 transgenic plants under LD conditions. (f) The diameter of main inflorescences of WT, Vector and transgenic plants. Forty-eight 38-day-old, long-day-grown plants were counted for each line. The diameter of the positions which were 5 cm distance from the basal of the main inflorescences was measured. ANOVA was conducted, and means were separated by DNMRT.