GUS staining and quantification of GUS activity of transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings containing different 5’-promoter deletion fragments grown under light and dark conditions. (a) Ten-day-old seedlings were stained to observe GUS expression. Bar = 1 cm; (b) Quantification of GUS activity in 20-day-old T3 transgenic Arabidopsis grown under light and dark conditions. OrGSEp-374#3, OrGSEp-374#8 and OrGSEp-374#12 are three positive transgenic lines carrying the OrGSEp-374 construct. OrGSEp-274#4, OrGSEp-274#9 and OrGSEp-274#15 are three independent transgenic lines carrying the OrGSEp-274 construct. OrGSEp-204#1, OrGSEp-204#5 and OrGSEp-204#7 are three positive lines carrying the OrGSEp-204 construct. OrGSEp-114#2, OrGSEp-114#8 and OrGSEp-114#9 are three lines carrying the OrGSEp-114 construct. Data are the means of three replicates, and standard errors are shown by error bars. The “**” indicates that a significant difference (p < 0.001) in GUS activity was detected between roots and shoots of seedlings carrying the same promoter construct.