Figure 2.
Effects of the LCHP+3 diet on the key enzymes involved in amino acid gluconeogenesis. (A) mRNA expression of hepatic ALT; (B), mRNA expression of hepatic PEPCK; (C) mRNA expression of hepatic G6Pase; (D) Hepatic ALT activity; (E) Protein expression of hepatic PEPCK; (F) Protein expression of hepatic G6Pase; (G) Potential target of omega-3 in the amino acid gluconeogenesis pathway. Solid and dashed lines represent one-step and multiple-step reaction, respectively. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase; G6Pase, glucose 6-phosphatase; LCHP, low-carbohydrate/high-protein/low-omega-3; LCHP+3, low-carbohydrate/high-protein/high-omega-3. Values are shown as mean ± SEM; ** p < 0.01. n = 8 per group.