Paracliques were computed from transcriptomic data obtained in black and white patients with community-acquired pneumonia at ED presentation. Five paracliques identified in the black population that were comprised of genes involved in apoptosis, cell cycle regulation, lymphocyte development, and metal transport pathways. The distribution of the genes in these paracliques among paracliques identified in the white population was examined. A.) Paraclique #1 had a density of 0.999074, contained 81 genes that were involved in cell cycle and regulation signaling, metallothionein 1E binding. B.) Paraclique #2 had a density of 0.989247, was comprised of 31 genes that were involved in apoptosis, Interleukin −17D, leptin, iodide transporter signaling. C.) Paraclique #3 had a density of 0.991342 and was comprised of 22 genes involved in lymphocyte development, maturation, and adhesion. D). Paraclique #233 had a density of 1 and was comprised of 3 genes involved in lipid raft signaling and ferritin and metal ion transport. E). Paraclique 237 identified in the black population is distributed across 1 paraclique identified in the white population.