Agarose gels showing the enzyme-digested patterns of PCR products of IL-6 −174 G/C polymorphism. Electropherogram of ethidium bromide stained 4% agarose gel showing genotype pattern obtained with Nla Ill restriction digest at −174 G/C IL-6 polymorphism. Lane L represents 100-bp DNA ladder (Fermentas, Germany) while lane UD refers to the undigested PCR-amplified (408 bp) fragment. Genotypes of the samples are noted at the bottom of figure. Genotypes are characterized as GG (208 bp, 171 bp, and 29 bp), GC (208 bp, 171 bp, 122 bp, 86 bp and 29 bp), and CC (171 bp, 122 bp, 86 bp, and 29 bp). On the gel, 29-bp fragments cannot be seen. tnf-a −308 g/a and il-6 −174 g/c gene polymo rphisms