Figure 2.
Lung injury in pre-transition period rats-pups increases the contribution of Ca2+-impermeable AMPA Receptors at TS➔nTS synapses.
A Current-voltage plots for TS-eEPSCs recorded from Bleo-treated (magenta, n = 10 cells/slices/rats) and saline-treated (black, n = 9 cells/slices/rats) rats. Rectification was assessed in the presence of bath applied Picrotoxin (100 μM) and DL-AP5 (50 μM), and with a cesium based intrapipette solution containing spermine (0.1 μM) and QX-314 (5 μM). TS-eEPSCs were normalized to responses at −80 mV. The rectifying current was less in the Bleo-treated compared to saline-treated rats.
B top: raw representative traces of TS-eEPSCs recorded from Bleo-treated and saline-treated rats at holding potentials ranging from −80 to +60 mV. bottom: The rectification index; defined as the ratio of TS-eEPSC at +40 to that at −60 mV, was greater in Bleo-treated than saline-treated rats (**P = 0.008, unpaired two-tail t-test).
C Average normalized amplitude of TS-eEPSCs from Bleo-treated (n = 6 cells/slices/rats) and saline-treated (n = 6 cells/slices/rats) rats at baseline (0-3 min) and for 13 min after bath application of NASPM (at 3 min), an antagonist of Ca2+-permeable AMPARs. NASPM-dependent depression was evident in the TS-eEPSCs from saline-treated rats and was significantly reduced in Bleo-treated rats (P < 0.0001, Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction).
D Representative raw recordings of TS-eEPSCs from saline-treated and Bleo-treated rats at 0 min and 16 min (13 min after NASPM application).