Table 2. Interview questions.
Category | Questions |
The Standards and the Values of Women’s Perception of Beauty | 1. Why do you think the woman in this image (research stimuli) is beautiful? 2. Did you have your own standards when you selected “cultural beauty” and “personal beauty?” If you did, what were the standards? 3. (If cultural beauty and personal beauty are different) Were there any reasons to identify “cultural beauty” and “personal beauty” as different? 4. (If “cultural beauty” and “personal beauty” are the same) Were there any reasons to identify “cultural beauty” and “personal beauty” as the same? 5. How does beauty affect your life as a woman? |
Antecedents to Women’s Perception of Beauty | 6. (For “cultural beauty”) Why do people in your culture perceive the woman in this image as beautiful? 7. What social influences or special treatment do beautiful women have in your culture? 8. Did you have any personal experiences that affected your selection of “cultural and personal beauty?” 9. Do you have any social background, social events, or peers that affected your selection of “cultural and personal beauty?” |
Consequences of Women’s Perception of Beauty | 10. How do you usually think about your body? 11. Were there any special behaviors, thoughts, or emotions that affected your perception of your body? 12. When you look at someone who is beautiful like the selected images, what do you think or feel about them? 13. Have you ever felt special emotions toward your body? If you have, what kinds of emotions have you felt? 14. When you get together with someone who is beautiful among your peers, what do you think or feel about them? 15. Do you make any special effort or have personal secrets to make yourself beautiful? |
Closing | 16. Is there anything else you would like to share or comment on? |