A) Cartoon of the tested truncated and chimera mutants of CpxII. (
B) Cpx
1-115SC but not Cpx
1-115helix restores synchronous release like CpxII. Mean [Ca
2+]i levels (top) and corresponding capacitance responses (bottom) of wt (black, n = 11), CpxII ko (red, n = 43), CpxII ko expressing CpxII (blue, n = 46), Cpx
1-115 (autumn orange, n = 28), Cpx
1-115SC (purple, n = 33), Cpx
1-115helix (dark green, n = 19). Flash at t = 0.5 s. (
C) Amplitudes of RRP and SRP, the rate of sustained release (SR, fF/s). (
D–F) The time constants of the exocytotic burst components (τRRP, τSRP) and the exocytotic delay. C-terminal truncated or mutated CpxII variants restore exocytosis timing like CpxII (see also
Dhara et al., 2014) (
G) Cpx
1-115SC clamps premature secretion as CpxII. Averaged tonic capacitance responses (same group of cells as in B) over 120 s at submicromolar [Ca
2+]i infusion (arrow, UV-flash). (
H) Mean rate of ΔCM before the flash. ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test. **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM.