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. 2018 Jul 5;100(13):e88(1)–e88(9). doi: 10.2106/JBJS.17.01271


Comparison of SSMS and TOCI Systems According to TW3 Stages Corresponding with Each at Different Pubertal Stages

TW3 Stage*
Pubertal Stage Skeletal Maturity Stage DP MP PP MC AS Radius
 Juvenile slow SSMS 1 E E E E Ignored
 Preadolescent slow SSMS 2 (early) F F F F Ignored
 Preadolescent slow SSMS 2 (late) G G G G Ignored
 Adolescent rapid—early SSMS 3 G G G G Ignored
 Adolescent rapid—late SSMS 4 H G G G Ignored
 Adolescent steady—early SSMS 5 I G G G Ignored
 Adolescent steady—late SSMS 6 I H H H Ignored
 Early mature SSMS 7 I I I I Non-I
 Mature SSMS 8 I I I I I
 Juvenile TOCI 1 Non-I E Ignored
 Prepubertal TOCI 2 Non-I F + Ignored
 Pubertal onset TOCI 3 Non-I F + Ignored
 Ascending TOCI 4 Non-I G (early) + Ignored
 Peak height velocity TOCI 5 Non-I G (advanced) + Ignored
 Early descending TOCI 6 I G (advanced) + Ignored
 Mid-descending TOCI 7 I H + Ignored
 Late descending TOCI 8 I I + Non-I
 End I

Only the key main dominant TW3 stages (E through I) are shown. DP = epiphysis of the distal phalanx (all 5 digits for SSMS and thumb for TOCI), MP = epiphysis of the middle phalanx in the 2nd through 5th digits, PP = epiphysis of the proximal phalanx (all 5 digits for SSMS and thumb for TOCI), MC = metacarpal bone of all 5 digits, AS = adductor sesamoid of thumb, Non-I = any TW3 stage except stage I, − = non-ossified, and + = ossified.

TW3 stage G occurs in most but not all digital epiphyses.