Table 2.
Predictor variable definitions.
Predictor variable | Definition |
Average interkey delay | The average time between keystrokes measured in seconds |
Backspace ratio | Number of backspace keypresses divided by total keypresses |
Autocorrect rate | Number of autocorrect events divided by total keypresses |
Circadian baseline similarity | The cosine-based similarity between the hourly distribution of keypresses/week and the hourly distribution for the study period |
Average accelerometer displacement | Square root of sum of squares of accelerometer displacement along each coordinate (x, y, z) averaged over the week (average of √x2+y2+z2) |
Average session length | Length of sessions in seconds averaged over the week |
Session count | Number of sessions: A session begins when a keypress is initiated and ≥5 s has elapsed since the last key was pressed. A session ends when ≥5 s has elapsed since the last key was pressed. |