Correlation of DhMRs with gene expression in Tet2−/− vs. WT macrophages
A. Distributions of average 5hmC enrichment in all expressed genes (>1 RCPM) in WT and Tet2−/− macrophages. B. Distributions of average 5hmC enrichment in macrophage related genes in WT and Tet2−/− macrophages. C. Venn diagram showing the overlap between macrophage related genes and DhMRs identified between Tet2−/− and WT macrophages. 517 out of 3149 macrophage related genes contain DhMRs in either their promoter or gene body genomic regions. D. Gene ontology analysis of genes with differential 5hmC peaks between WT and Tet2−/− macrophages. E. Venn diagram showing the overlap between the macrophage related DEGs and DhMRs identified between Tet2−/− and WT macrophages. 26 out of 111 macrophage related DEGs contain DhMRs in either their promoter or gene body regions. F. and G. FC of expression of the macrophage related DEGs between Tet2−/− and WT plotted against FC of normalized 5hmC read counts in promoter regions (TSS ± 3 kb) (F) and gene body region (G) between Tet2−/− and WT. TSS, transcriptional start site; TES, transcriptional end site; DhmR, differential hydroxymethylated region; GO, gene ontology; DEG, differentially expressed gene; FC, fold change.