Table 2.
Small molecules | Target activity | Circadian phenotype | Physiological effects | References |
Opsinamides | Melanopsin inhibitors |
Suppress light input to the SCN |
Generally suppress nonvisual photoresponse |
81 |
SB432542 | ALK5 inhibitor | Attenuate phase delay | Inhibit TGF-β signaling | 82 |
AICAR, metformin | AMPK activator | Lengthen period Reduce amplitude |
AICAR: exercise mimetic Metformin: antidiabetic |
43, 168 |
CKI-7, IC261, D4476, PF-670462, longdaysin, LH846, Compound 1-3, and others |
CK1 inhibitor | Lengthen period | CK1 is broadly involved in various pathophysiologies, including familial sleep and mood disorders |
75, 78 |
PF-4800567 | Selective CK1 ε inhibitor |
Blocks PER2 degradation but shows minimal effects on circadian period |
Increases sensitivity to psychostimulants and opioids |
73 |
DRB, DMAT | CK2 inhibitor | Lengthen period | Antineoplasia | 78, 169 |
Lithium | GSK3 β inhibitor | Lengthen period Enhance amplitude |
Mood disorders | 125, 170 |
Chir99021, 1-azakenpaullone, indirubin |
GSK3 β inhibitor | Shorten period | Improve glucose metabolism, anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenesis |
62 |
L-Methyl selenocysteine | Enhance Bmal1 transcription |
Induction of BMAL1 protein level and activity |
Improved survival of cyclophosphamide-sensitive Clock mutant mice |
69 |
Resveratrol | Sirt1 activator | Modulate physiological rhythms and clock gene expression |
Broad physiological and antiaging efficacies |
140 |
SRT2183, SRT1720, SRTCD1023, SRTCL1015 |
Sirt1 activator | Reduce circadian expression Lengthen period Reduce amplitude |
Improve circadian clock gene expression Reduce inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
143, 171 |
OPC-21268, SSR 149415 | Antagonists for arginine vasopressin receptors V1a and V1b, respectively |
Accelerate entrainment to jet lag |
Accelerate reentrainment after jet lag and shift work |
109 |
Compound 5, a benzodiazepine derivative |
GABA receptor agonist Acts on an unknown target |
Lengthens period in both SCN and peripheral clocks |
NA | 66 |
Compound 10/CEM3 | Unknown | Enhance amplitude and shorten period in both SCN and peripheral clocks |
NA | 61,66 |
Abbreviations: AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; CEM, clock-enhancing small molecule; CK1, casein kinase 1; CK2, casein kinase 2; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; GSK3 β, glycogen synthase kinase 3 β; NA, not applicable; PER, period; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; TGF-β, transforming growth factor-β.
For additional related compounds and references, please refer to a recent review (78).