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. 2018 Jul 4;2018:9589208. doi: 10.1155/2018/9589208

Table 3.

Characteristics of case-control and cohort studies included in the systematic literature review.

Publication year Study year Study site Study setting Site population Selected unimproved/unsafe water source Reasons for typhoid fever Source
Case control studies
1999 1997 Dushanbe, Tajikistan Outbreak in endemic area Urban Water for home obtained from outside tap [10] (contaminated improved source = unsafe) Water source contamination
Cessation of chlorination, intermittent water supply creating negative pressure and contaminating water supply with surrounding contaminants.
2013 2011 Kathmandu, Nepal Endemic Urban Use of stone spout water Multiple; drinking water spout contamination with sewage, contamination of stored water, general sanitation issues such as lack of toilets or lack of water to flush toilets [12]
2009 2007 West Bengal, India Outbreak in endemic area Urban slum Drinking piped water [10] (contaminated improved source = unsafe) Unchlorinated water supply through pipes, drinking water pipes close to open drainage and intermittent water supply [13]
1992 1990 Neapolitan Area, Italy Outbreak in endemic area Urban Drinking non-potable water Multiple; foodborne, sanitation, and drinking water source contamination due to sewage exposure to municipal water supply [14]
2004 2000 Madaya Township, Myanmar Outbreak in endemic area Rural Drinking untreated river water Drinking water contamination with unchlorinated river water which had direct sewage drainage. [15]
2005 2002 Son La Province, N. Vietnam Endemic Urban Drinking untreated water Drinking water contamination and consumption of unchlorinated water (dislike for chlorine smell) [16]
2005 1996-1997 Dong Thap Province, Mekong Delta, S. Vietnam Endemic Urban Drinking unboiled water Multiple; drinking river water which had sewage (latrine) drainage, drinking water sources from deep wells and ponds contaminated with drainage from latrines situated in the proximity [17]
2007 2002-2003 Samarkand Oblast, Uzbekistan Endemic Urban and Rural Consumption of unboiled surface water outside the home Water source contamination. The drinking of un-boiled surface water outside home during the hot and dry summer months. [18]
2009 2005-2006 Darjeeling, West Bengal, India Endemic Rural Stream water Multiple; foodborne, sanitation issues, and drinking water source contamination. Untreated water supply from unprotected springs and natural streams, untreated water supply from venders. [19]
2007 2003-2004 Dhaka slum, Kamalapur, Bangladesh Endemic Urban slum Drinking unboiled water at home Multiple; sanitation issues, and drinking water source contamination. Partial chlorination of municipal water supply exposed to contamination, drinking of untreated water [20]
1998 1994 Karachi, Pakistan Endemic Urban Drinking water at work (improved or unimproved unknown) Multiple; foodborne, sanitation issues, and drinking water source contamination at workplace [21]
2001 1992-1994 Samarang, Indonesia Endemic Urban Drinking non-municipal water source Multiple; foodborne, sanitation issues, and drinking of unchlorinated water from venders [22]
2005 2001-2003 Diyarbakir, Turkey Endemic Urban & rural Municipality drinking water (contaminated improved water source = unsafe) Consumption of raw vegetables irrigated with sewage water from the city [23]
1997 1990-1991 Ujung Pandang, Indonesia Endemic Urban Piped water (contaminated improved water source = unsafe) Street food consumption [24]
2004 2001-2003 Jakarta, Indonesia Endemic Urban Piped water (contaminated improved water source == unsafe) Hygienic practices such as no use of soap for handwashing, sharing of food, and no toilet in the household and household crowding at home [25]
2008 1999-2001 Karachi, Pakistan Endemic Urban Piped water (contaminated improved water source = unsafe) Hygienic practices such as lack of soap availability at handwashing place, frequently eating outside home and crowing at home [26]

Cohort studies
2010 2007 Rajasthan, India Outbreak in endemic area Rural Drinking water from government tank, hand pump and personal tube well Contaminated sources due to an open well supplying water to all the three water supply facilities [27]
2000 1998 River Seine, Paris, France Outbreak Urban Drinking untreated river water Fecal contamination of tap water [28]
2007 2003 – 2004 Eastern Kolkata, India Endemic Urban Drinking unsafe drinking water NA [29]
2012 2003 – 2006 Karachi, Pakistan Endemic Urban Drinking tap water NA [30]

NA – Not provided.