Table 3.
Characteristics of case-control and cohort studies included in the systematic literature review.
Publication year | Study year | Study site | Study setting | Site population | Selected unimproved/unsafe water source | Reasons for typhoid fever | Source |
Case control studies | |||||||
1999 | 1997 | Dushanbe, Tajikistan | Outbreak in endemic area | Urban | Water for home obtained from outside tap [10] (contaminated improved source = unsafe) | Water source contamination Cessation of chlorination, intermittent water supply creating negative pressure and contaminating water supply with surrounding contaminants. |
[11] |
2013 | 2011 | Kathmandu, Nepal | Endemic | Urban | Use of stone spout water | Multiple; drinking water spout contamination with sewage, contamination of stored water, general sanitation issues such as lack of toilets or lack of water to flush toilets | [12] |
2009 | 2007 | West Bengal, India | Outbreak in endemic area | Urban slum | Drinking piped water [10] (contaminated improved source = unsafe) | Unchlorinated water supply through pipes, drinking water pipes close to open drainage and intermittent water supply | [13] |
1992 | 1990 | Neapolitan Area, Italy | Outbreak in endemic area | Urban | Drinking non-potable water | Multiple; foodborne, sanitation, and drinking water source contamination due to sewage exposure to municipal water supply | [14] |
2004 | 2000 | Madaya Township, Myanmar | Outbreak in endemic area | Rural | Drinking untreated river water | Drinking water contamination with unchlorinated river water which had direct sewage drainage. | [15] |
2005 | 2002 | Son La Province, N. Vietnam | Endemic | Urban | Drinking untreated water | Drinking water contamination and consumption of unchlorinated water (dislike for chlorine smell) | [16] |
2005 | 1996-1997 | Dong Thap Province, Mekong Delta, S. Vietnam | Endemic | Urban | Drinking unboiled water | Multiple; drinking river water which had sewage (latrine) drainage, drinking water sources from deep wells and ponds contaminated with drainage from latrines situated in the proximity | [17] |
2007 | 2002-2003 | Samarkand Oblast, Uzbekistan | Endemic | Urban and Rural | Consumption of unboiled surface water outside the home | Water source contamination. The drinking of un-boiled surface water outside home during the hot and dry summer months. | [18] |
2009 | 2005-2006 | Darjeeling, West Bengal, India | Endemic | Rural | Stream water | Multiple; foodborne, sanitation issues, and drinking water source contamination. Untreated water supply from unprotected springs and natural streams, untreated water supply from venders. | [19] |
2007 | 2003-2004 | Dhaka slum, Kamalapur, Bangladesh | Endemic | Urban slum | Drinking unboiled water at home | Multiple; sanitation issues, and drinking water source contamination. Partial chlorination of municipal water supply exposed to contamination, drinking of untreated water | [20] |
1998 | 1994 | Karachi, Pakistan | Endemic | Urban | Drinking water at work (improved or unimproved unknown) | Multiple; foodborne, sanitation issues, and drinking water source contamination at workplace | [21] |
2001 | 1992-1994 | Samarang, Indonesia | Endemic | Urban | Drinking non-municipal water source | Multiple; foodborne, sanitation issues, and drinking of unchlorinated water from venders | [22] |
2005 | 2001-2003 | Diyarbakir, Turkey | Endemic | Urban & rural | Municipality drinking water (contaminated improved water source = unsafe) | Consumption of raw vegetables irrigated with sewage water from the city | [23] |
1997 | 1990-1991 | Ujung Pandang, Indonesia | Endemic | Urban | Piped water (contaminated improved water source = unsafe) | Street food consumption | [24] |
2004 | 2001-2003 | Jakarta, Indonesia | Endemic | Urban | Piped water (contaminated improved water source == unsafe) | Hygienic practices such as no use of soap for handwashing, sharing of food, and no toilet in the household and household crowding at home | [25] |
2008 | 1999-2001 | Karachi, Pakistan | Endemic | Urban | Piped water (contaminated improved water source = unsafe) | Hygienic practices such as lack of soap availability at handwashing place, frequently eating outside home and crowing at home | [26] |
| |||||||
Cohort studies | |||||||
2010 | 2007 | Rajasthan, India | Outbreak in endemic area | Rural | Drinking water from government tank, hand pump and personal tube well | Contaminated sources due to an open well supplying water to all the three water supply facilities | [27] |
2000 | 1998 | River Seine, Paris, France | Outbreak | Urban | Drinking untreated river water | Fecal contamination of tap water | [28] |
2007 | 2003 – 2004 | Eastern Kolkata, India | Endemic | Urban | Drinking unsafe drinking water | NA | [29] |
2012 | 2003 – 2006 | Karachi, Pakistan | Endemic | Urban | Drinking tap water | NA | [30] |
NA – Not provided.