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. 2018 Jul 30;12:62. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00062

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Overview of orexin 2 receptors (OX-2R; red) and cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R; green) immunoreactivity in the whole adult zebrafish brain. (A–E) Schematic drawings of five coronal sections of the adult zebrafish brain showing, at right, the distribution of OX-2R/CB1R co-expression (yellow solid circles) and, at left, the brain nuclei and regions according to Wullimann et al. (1996). (A1–E1) Photomicrographs of the sections corresponding to the schematic coronal sections reported in (A–E). (A,A1) Telencephalon: OX-2R/CB1R co-localization in lateral (Dl), medial (Dm), central (Dc) and posterior (Dp) part of the dorsal telencephalon and in the dorsal (Vd) and lateral (Vl) part of the ventral telencephalon. (B,B1) Diencephalon: OX-2R/CB1R co-localization in ventral habenular nucleus (Hav), optic tectum (TeO), ventral zone of the periventricular hypothalamus (Hv). (C,C1) Dienchephalon/mesencephalon: OX-2R/CB1R co-localization in the torus longitudinalis (TL), medial (PGm) and lateral (PGl) preglomerular nuclei, lateral hypotalamus (LH), Hv, and anterior (ATN) and posterior (PTN) tuberal nuclei. (D,D1) Mesencephalon: OX-2R/CB1R co-localization in TL, caudal (Hc) and dorsal (Hd) zone of the periventricular hypothalamus, torus lateralis (Tla), central nucleus of inferior lobe (CIL) and diffuse nucleus of inferior lobe (DIL). (E,E1) Rhombencephalon: OX-2R/CB1R co-localization in TeO, octaval nerve (VIII), intermediate reticular formation (IMRF) and tractus tectobulbaris (TTB). AON, anterior octaval nucleus; Cantd, commissura anterior, pars dorsalis; Cce, corpus cerebelli; Chor, Commissura horizontalis; CM, corpus mammillaris; CP, central posterior thalamic nucleus; CPN, central pretectal nucelus; Cpop, commissura postoptica; DAO, dorsal accessory optic nucleus; DiV, Diencephalic ventricle; DOT, dorsomedial optic tract; DP, dorsal posterior thalamic nucleus; DTN, dorsal tegmental nucleus; EG, eminentia granularis; End, entopeduncular nucleus, dorsal part; FR, fasciculus retroflexus; I, intermediate thalamic nucleus; Lca, lobus caudalis cerebelli; LFB, lateral forebrain bundle; LLF, lateral longitudinal fascicle; LOT, lateral olfactory tract; MFB, medial forebrain bundle; MLF, medial longitudinal fascicle; MON, medial octavolateralis nucleus; MOT, medial olfactory tract; PGZ, Periventricular gray zone of the optic tectum; Pit, pituitary; PPd, periventricular pretectal nucleus, dorsal part; PPp, parvocellular preoptic nucleus, posterior part; PPv, periventricular pretectal nucleus, ventral part; PSm, magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus; PSp, parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus; SC, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SGT, secondary gustatory tract; TelV, telencephalic ventricle; TeV, Tectal ventricle; TPM, tractus pretectomammillaris; TPp, periventricular nucleus of posterior tuberculum; TS, torus semicircularis; Val, lateral division of valvula cerebelli; VL, Ventrolateral thalamic nucleus; VM, Ventromedial thalamic nucleus; VOT, ventral optic tract; Vv, ventral nucleus of ventral telencephalic area. Scale bar, 250 μm.