Fig. 5.
Bone turnover markers, fracture prevalence, and gene and protein expression analysis. A. Serum levels of bone resorption marker CTX-I measured by enzyme immunoassay. The y-axis is on a logarithmic scale. B. TRAcP5b activity measured by ELISA in serum. C. Fracture prevalence in oim/oim and oim-RANKL-cKO mice (there were no fractures observed in WT or RANKL-cKO mice), plotted as the percent of mice having at least one fracture with the error bars indicating the 95% confidence interval. D. Micro-CT 3D reconstructions of fractured femurs from oim/oim mice (left image is male, right image is female). E. Soluble RANKL (sRANKL) and OPG protein measured in bone marrow supernatant by ELISA. F. The mRNA expression of Rankl (Tnfsf11), Opg (Tnfrsf11b), Ocn (Bglap, Bglap2, Bglap3), and Trap (Acp5) measured by real-time PCR on osteocyte-enriched cDNA samples from mouse femur and tibia. Values are normalized to the geometric mean of five housekeeping genes. N.S. indicates no significant differences. The N for each panel is indicated below or to the side of the graph.