Fig. 2.
Co-occurrence of 52 depression symptoms across seven depression rating scales. Colored circles for a symptom indicate that a scale directly assesses that symptom, while empty circles indicate that a scale only measures a symptom indirectly. For instance, the IDS assesses item 4 hypersomnia directly; the BDI measures item 4 indirectly by a general question on sleep problems; and the SDS does not capture item 4 at all. Note that the nine QIDS items analyzed correspond exactly to the DSM-5 criterion symptoms for MDD. BDI, 21-item Beck Depression Inventory-II; CESD, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th ed.; HRSD, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; IDS, Inventory of Depressive Symptoms; MADRS, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale; SDS, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale; QIDS, Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms. Reprinted from: Fried (2017). Copyright [Elsevier], [Amsterdam, Netherlands]. All permission requests for this image should be made to the copyright holder.