Figure 3. Homology-based classification of Bacteroidetes strains and putative BSH genes.
(A) Phylogenetic tree of 20 Bacteroidetes strains using alignment-based whole proteome phylogeny (PhyloPhlAn). Bacteroidetes strains from Group II (gray; deconjugation based on amino acid) form a partial clade, while Group I (red) and Group III (blue) strains do not separate into distinct clades. (B) Phlyogenetic tree of candidate Bacteroidetes BSH genes. A search for BLAST-P matches of BT2086 identified an ortholog in 19 of the 20 Bacteroidetes species assayed. Numbers next to the branches represent the percentage of replicate trees in which this topology was reached in a bootstrap test of 1000 replicates. No significant clustering of Bacteroidetes strains into clades based on enzymatic activity was observed. Scale bars represent number of nucleotide substitutions per site.