Table 2.
Intrinsic drug resistance mechanisms in Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium abscessusa
Agent | Target | M. avium (genes involved) | M. abscessus (genes involved) | Refs |
Isoniazid | InhA | Presumably efflux pumps | Presumably efflux pumps | [73] |
Rifampicin | RNA polymerase | NAb | Inactivation of drug (arrMab) | [188] |
Ethambutol | Arabinosyl transferase | NAb | Polymorphisms in target gene embB | [79] |
Pyrazinami de | PanD | Presumably due to active efflux of POAc | Presumably owing to active efflux of POAc | [189,190] |
Aminoglyc osides | 16S rRNA | NAb | Inactivation of drug [aac(2′), eis2 – whiB7] | [82,84,191] |
Fluoroquin olones | DNA gyrase | Polymorphisms in target gene gyrA | Polymorphisms in target gene gyrA | [192] |
β-lactams | Penicillin-binding protein | β-lactamase with mild activity Other unknown reasons |
Inactivation of drug (blaMab) | [81] |
Thiacetazo ne | FAS-II dehydratased | The target is not essential: redundant dehydratase present | The target is not essential: redundant dehydratase present | [193] |
BTZ043 | DprE1 | Polymorphisms in target gene dprE1 | Polymorphisms in target gene dprE1 | [194,195] |
BRD4592 | Tryptophan synthase | NAb | Polymorphisms in target gene trpA | [196] |
Macrolides | 23S rRNA | Efflux pumps (MAV_1695, MAV_1406) | Modification of drug target [erm(41) – whiB7] | [78,80,84,191] |
Cell envelope, porins and efflux pumps are likely to be involved in intrinsic drug resistance to many antimicrobials and are thus not specified in the table unless roles have been experimentally proven or suggested.
NA: not applicable, the drug is active.
POA: pyrazinoic acid, bioactive metabolite of pyrazinamide.
FAS-II: type II fatty acid synthase.