Figure 4.
Survey of Neurochemical Markers for Neurons Activity Tagged by External Warmth in the MnPO-MPO Area
Double-label immunohistochemistry of warm-labeled (activity-tagged) neurons (red) in the preoptic hypothalamus of Pan-MnPO/MPO-ActivityTag-hM3Dq mice with candidate gene markers (green).
(A) Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), somatostatin (SOM), calretinin (CR), and parvalbumin (PV) all stained negative. The scale bars represent 200 μm.
(B) NOS1 antibody (green) stained approximately 25% of hM3Dq-mCherry-positive neurons (red), indicating nitrergic neurons. Examples of double-labeled cells are indicated with arrows.
(C) Many warm-activated Nos1-Cre neurons (red) in the MnPO and MPO areas co-stain with VGlut2 antisera (green). Examples of double-labeled cells are indicated with arrows.
(D) Glutamate decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) antibody (green) stained approximately 30% of hM3Dq-mCherry-positive neurons (red), indicating GABAergic neurons. Examples of double-labeled cells are indicated with arrows.
(E) The mouse MnPO and MPO hypothalamic area has a population of neurons with strong Nos1 expression, as visualized by in situ hybridization with a Nos1-selective probe (top three images), taken from the Allen Brain Atlas [36] and immunohistochemistry with a NOS1 antibody (lower image).
In the images on the left of (B)–(D), the scale bars represent 200 μm, and for the larger images on the right of each panel the scale bars represent 100 μm. The scale bar in (E) represents 200 μm.