SGSH Activity in the CSF and Brain Tissue Lysates after rAAV.SGSH or rAAV.SGSHv4 Delivery
Mice (8 wk old) were injected with AAV.SGSH or AAV.SGSH into the lateral ventricle and CSF collected 14 weeks later, after which the mice were euthanized and tissues collected for SGSH activity assay. (A) SGSH activity in CSF pooled from four to six mice. (B) SGSH activity in brain parenchyma from the hippocampus (HPC), striatum (Str), occipital cortex (OccCx), and cerebellum (Cb). n = 6. Data represent mean ± SD. ***p < 0.001. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test.