Vha68-1 is required for Rh1 deglycosylation and pH homeostasis of secretory vesicles. (A) Rh1 vesicles and nSyb secretory vesicles largely colocalized. Eyes from control (ninaE-nSyb-mCherry-pHluorin/+) and vha68-11 (ey-flp; vha68-11 FRT40A/GMR-hid CL FRT40A; ninaE-nSyb-mCherry-pHluorin/+) flies expressing nSyb-mCherry-pHluorin were labeled with antibodies against Rh1 (green) and RFP (red). Images with high magnification are shown in right panels. (B) Secretory vesicle pH was increased in vha68-11 photoreceptors. Live confocal imaging of dissected ommatidia from control and vha68-11 flies expressing nSyb-mCherry-pHluorin. The pHluorin fluorescence was brighter in vha68-11 flies compared with controls, which indicates an increase in pH. (C) Quantification of fluorescence ratios in control and vha68-11 flies. Four eyes from different flies and 20 ommatidia from each eye were quantified. Error bars represent SD; ***, p < 0.001 (Student’s unpaired t test). (D) The increase in Rh1 MW is due to a failure of deglycosylation. Head extracts prepared from 1-d-old vha68-11 or vha100-12 flies were digested with Endo H or PNGase F at 37°C for 4 h before being labeled with antibodies against Rh1. (E) Rh1 MW was reverted to wild type upon expression of vha68-1, vha68-2, or vha68-3 in photoreceptor cells. Western blot analysis of head extracts from 1-d-old wild-type, vha68-11, vha68-11;ninaE-vha68-1, vha68-11;ninaE-vha68-2, and vha68-11;ninaE-vha68-3 flies that were labeled with antibodies against Rh1. One-day-old flies were used. (F) Vha68-1 functions downstream of dMPPE. Head extracts were prepared from 1-d-old wild-type, vha68-11, dmppee02905, vha68-11 dmppee02905(ey-flp rh1-GFP;vha68-11 FRT40A dmppee02905/GMR-hid CL FRT40A dmppee02905), and ninaA2flies and labeled with antibodies against Rh1. (G) Similar Rh1 MW in vha68-11 and α-Man-IIaG4901 flies. Head extracts were prepared from 1-d-old flies and labeled with antibodies against Rh1. (H) Tangential resin-embedded sections of compound eyes from ∼1-d-old wild-type, vha68-11, and α-Man-IIaG4901 flies were labeled using antibodies against Rh1 (green). Rh1 vesicles did not accumulate in α-Man-IIaG4901 flies, which showed deglycosylation defects. (I) Light-sensitivity analysis of ∼1 d posteclosion flies. ERG amplitudes at each intensity are normalized to ERG amplitudes at maximum light intensity (10–1, ∼300 lux). n = 7; data are presented as mean ± SD; ***, p < 0.001 (Student’s unpaired t test).