Vacuole morphology of fab1∆ yeast and bypass suppressor strains. (A) Live-cell confocal fluorescence microscopy analysis of the vacuole morphology of the indicated yeast strains. Vacuoles were visualized with FM 4-64, representative images of which are shown with corresponding brightfield images. Dashed lines represent cell outlines. Scale bar = 4 µm. (B) Quantitation of the number of vacuoles observed per cell of the strains imaged in A by counting FM 4-64–labeled organelles (n > 100 cells per strain). (C) Quantitation of vacuole diameter measurements taken by a line-scan analysis of FM 4-64–labeled vacuoles. Diameters were measured for only the largest vacuole observed per cell for the strains indicated. Each dot represents a single vacuole, with the horizontal line representing the mean of all measurements (n = 104 per strain). Unpaired t tests with Welch’s correction were used to determine statistical significance; **, P < 0.01 and ***, P < 0.001. Unless otherwise indicated, all other mutant strains were not statistically different compared with the wild-type control.