Table 1:
i2b2 semantic element | C-CDA semantic elements | Description | i2b2 database storage |
i2b2 patient map | PatientID | MRN |
Stored in the patient mapping table
Mapped to a pseudoid by the CRC loader |
i2b2 encounter map |
Global ID (computed) |
An i2b2 encounter is identified by the date of each C-CDA encounter. One global encounter is used for all non-encounter-based observations |
Stored in the encounter mapping table
Used by the query tool to search within or across encounters |
Concepts | displayName and code for each code in the observations listed below. | Not stored (duplicates information in the ontology trees) but used by SMART apps | |
Patient |
PatientLanguage PatientAdministration GenderCode PatientRace Age (computed) |
Stored in the patient dimension table | |
Observers | PerformerPersonName of each provider in the observations listed below. | Stored in the provider dimension table | |
Demographic observations | Same set as those in ‘patient’, but as observations | Stored in the observation fact table | |
Problem observations |
ProblemConcernEffectiveTime |
SNOMED code Start/end date |
Medication observations |
MedicationEffectiveTime |
RxNorm code Start/end date |
Encounter observations |
EncounterEffectiveTime EncounterPerformerPersonName EncounterPlayingEntityName EncounterType.displayName |
Patient note Start/end date Provider name Practice name Encounter subject |
C-CDA, consolidated clinical document architecture; CRC, clinical research chart; i2b2, Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside; MRN, medical record number; SETL, service based extract, transform, and load.