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. 2017 Sep 21;2(4):49. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed2040049

Table 2.

Demographic, household, and nutritional characteristics of the study sample according to intensity of infection.

Characteristic Schistosoma japonicum a A. lumbricoides b T. trichiura c Hookworms d
Negative (n = 533) Light (n = 124) Mod-Heay (n = 10) Negative (n = 304) Light (n = 241) Mod-Heavy (n = 122) Negative (n = 191) Light (n = 392) Mod-Heavy (n = 84) Negative (n = 498) Light (n = 169)
Gender a,d
Male 265 (49.7%) 79 (63.7%) 7 (70.0%) 161 (53.0%) 131 (54.4%) 59 (48.4%) 99 (51.8%) 202 (51.5%) 50 (59.5%) 246 (49.4%) 105 (62.1%)
Female 268 (50.3%) 45 (36.3%) 3 (30.0%) 143 (47.0%) 110 (45.6%) 63 (51.6%) 92 (48.2%) 190 (48.5%) 34 (40.5%) 252 (50.6%) 64 (37.9%)
Age group a
6–9 237 (44.5%) 37 (29.8%) 3 (30.0%) 128 (42.1%) 98 (40.7%) 51 (41.8%) 91 (47.6%) 151 (38.5%) 35 (41.7%) 211 (42.4%) 66 (39.1%)
10–14 296 (55.5%) 87 (70.2%) 7 (70.0%) 176 (57.9%) 143 (59.3%) 71 (58.2%) 100 (52.4%) 241 (61.5%) 49 (58.3%) 287 (57.6%) 103 (60.9%)
Toilet b,c,d
Yes 420 (79.9%) 99 (80.5%) 9 (90.0%) 253 (84.1%) 190 (79.8%) 85 (70.8%) 153 (81.0%) 325 (83.6%) 50 (61.7%) 404 (82.1%) 124 (74.3%)
No 106 (20.1%) 24 (19.5%) 1 (10.0%) 48 (15.9%) 48 (20.2%) 35 (29.2%) 36 (19.0%) 64 (16.4%) 31 (38.3%) 88 (17.9%) 43 (25.7%)
Own home
Yes 481 (91.1%) 113 (91.9%) 8 (80.0%) 278 (92.1%) 217 (90.8%) 107 (89.2%) 175 (92.1%) 353 (90.8%) 74 (90.2%) 452 (91.5%) 150 (89.8%)
No 47 (8.9%) 10 (8.1%) 2 (20.0%) 24 (7.9%) 22 (9.2%) 13 (10.8%) 15 (7.9%) 36 (9.2%) 8 (9.8%) 42 (8.5%) 17 (10.2%)
Roof material b,c
Palm leaves/nipa 292 (56.1%) 67 (54.5%) 5 (50.0%) 142 (47.5%) 137 (57.8%) 85 (72.0%) 95 (51.1%) 214 (55.2%) 55 (68.8%) 264 (54.2%) 100 (59.9%)
Galvanized iron/cement 229 (43.9%) 56 (45.5%) 5 (50.0%) 157 (52.5%) 100 (42.2%) 33 (28.0%) 91 (48.9%) 174 (44.8%) 25 (31.2%) 223 (45.8%) 67 (40.1%)
Height for age d
Normal 280 (52.5%) 56 (45.2%) 4 (40.0%) 160 (52.6%) 125 (51.9%) 55 (45.1%) 106 (55.5%) 196 (50.0%) 38 (45.2%) 275 (55.2%) 65 (38.5%)
Stunted 253 (47.5%) 68 (54.8%) 6 (60.0%) 144 (47.4%) 116 (48.1%) 67 (54.9%) 85 (44.5%) 196 (50.0%) 46 (54.8%) 223 (44.8%) 104 (61.5%)
BMI for age
Normal 391 (73.5%) 83 (66.9%) 6 (60.0%) 212 (69.7%) 176 (73.3%) 92 (75.4%) 136 (71.2%) 284 (72.6%) 60 (71.4%) 363 (72.9%) 117 (69.6%)
Thin 141 (26.5%) 41 (33.1%) 4 (40.0%) 92 (30.3%) 64 (26.7%) 30 (24.6%) 55 (28.8%) 107 (27.4%) 24 (28.6%) 135 (27.1%) 51 (30.4%)
Mean HAZ score d −1.95 (1.0) −2.09 (1.0) −2.05 (1.0) −1.98 (1.0) −1.94 (0.9) −2.05 (1.0) −1.86 (1.0) −2.00 (1.0) −2.15 (1.0) −1.92 (1.0) −2.14 (0.9)
Mean BAZ score d −1.39 (1.1) −1.61 (1.1) −1.56 (1.4) −1.45 (1.1) −1.47 (1.1) −1.32 (0.9) −1.35 (1.1) −1.45 (1.1) −1.54 (0.8) −1.37 (1.1) −1.61 (1.1)
Mean energy (kj) 7349 (2792) 7643 (2015) 7990 (3178) 7536 (2544) 7628 (3890) 7122 (2372) 7632 (2811) 7472 (3308) 7279 (2477) 7483 (3105) 7523 (2993)
Mean protein (g) 55.97 (58.6) 52.32 (20.8) 58.29 (20.7) 52.86 (19.0) 60.29 (84.6) 51.67 (20.1) 54.14 (20.7) 55.90 (67.2) 55.34 (21.3) 54.93 (54.8) 56.48 (48.3)
Mean totalfat (g) 36.68 (33.7) 35.80 (23.0) 32.93 (21.4) 36.57 (19.5) 38.59 (46.7) 31.99 (15.6) 38.76 (22.7) 36.65 (37.4) 30.36 (16.6) 36.73 (32.4) 35.67 (29.8)
Mean carbohydrate (g) 310.9 (117) 306.1 (126) 324.3 (99.3) 315.0 (120) 308.4 (120) 301.6 (113) 314.6 (128) 307.9 (114) 310.8 (119) 309.3 (119) 312.6 (119)
Mean water (g) 1982 (704) 2005 (672) 2158 (519) 1992 (681) 1984 (711) 1994 (705) 2005 (693) 1973 (690) 2028 (728) 1976 (694) 2028 (700)
Mean thiamin (g) 0.69 (1.51) 0.58 (0.30) 0.54 (0.22) 0.60 (0.29) 0.80 (2.22) 0.57 (0.26) 0.65 (0.38) 0.69 (1.74) 0.57 (0.24) 0.67 (1.39) 0.65 (1.24)
Mean riboflavin (mg) 0.60 (0.69) 0.53 (0.31) 0.51 (0.25) 0.54 (0.27) 0.64 (0.98) 0.57 (0.29) 0.59 (0.32) 0.57 (0.78) 0.61 (0.29) 0.58 (0.64) 0.60 (0.58)
Mean niacin (mg) 17.13 (11.5) 16.18 (8.1) 20.34 (12.3) 16.33 (7.8) 17.88 (15.0) 16.93 (7.8) 16.81 (8.4) 16.79 (12.4) 18.40 (8.7) 16.76 (11.1) 17.70 (10.8)
Mean vitamin C c (mg) 37.65 (54.2) 29.76 (44.0) 38.24 (55.0) 37.55 (55.4) 35.66 (49.1) 33.83 (51.8) 36.12 (53.2) 33.37 (47.3) 49.51 (69.7) 36.01 (51.2) 36.71 (56.2)

Data are count (%) for categorical variables and mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables. a Significant difference between negative, light, and moderate/heavy SJ infection in gender (p = 0.01) and age group (p = 0.009). b Significant difference between negative, light, and moderate/heavy A. lumbricoides infection in the proportions of owning toilet (p = 0.009) and galvanized iron/cement roof material (p < 0.001). c Significant difference between negative, light, and moderate/heavy T. trichiura infection in the proportions of owning toilet (p < 0.001) and galvanized iron/cement roof material (p = 0.028), and the mean level of vitamin C (p = 0.038). d Significant difference between negative and light hookworms infection in gender (p = 0.004), the proportions of owning toilet (p = 0.028) and stunted children (p < 0.001), and the mean levels of the HAZ Z-score (p = 0.014) and the BAZ Z-score (p = 0.013).