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. 2017 Sep 27;2(4):50. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed2040050

Table 1.

Group characteristics of antigen-positive and antigen-negative participants (positive by either immunochromatographic test (ICT) or Og4C3) at baseline.

LF Antigen-Positive Cases LF Antigen-Negative Controls Mean Diff (95% CI) p=
n = 50 n = 48
Age in years—mean (SD) 15.20 (3.38) 15.48 (3.46) 0.28 (−1.09, 1.07) 0.691 a
Female n (%) 27 (54%) 28 (58%) 0.410 b
Male n (%) 23 (46%) 20 (42%) 0.410 b
Height in cm—mean (SD) 151.80 (12.56) 152.20 (11.52) 0.399 (−4.44, 5.24) 0.870 a
Weight in kg—mean (SD) 42.27 (12.81) 42.30 (10.12) 0.028 (−4.617, 4.670) 0.990 a
BMI in kg/m2—mean (SD) 18.05 (3.46) 18.03 (2.65) −0.012 (−1.239, 1.216) 0.985 a
Body composition n = (%) 0.976 c
Median weight 41 (82%) 40 (83%)
Underweight > −2SD 7 (14%) 6 (13%)
Overweight > +1SD 2 (4%) 2 (4%)
Dominant leg right/left 47/3 47/1 0.324 b
Occupation n = (%) 0.395 c
Student 14 (28%) 13 (27%)
Working/other 32/4 (72%) 34/1 (73%)
Drank liquid n = 97 0.590 c
<60 min 13 (26%) 12 (26%)
>60 min 37 (74%) 35 (74%) (1 NA)
Consumed 2013 MDA n (%) 17 (34%) 22 (46%) 0.383 c

LF = lymphatic filariasis; BMI = body mass index; SD = standard deviation; a independent samples t-test; b Fishers exact test; c Pearson chi-square; NA = participant was not asked.