Figure 4. Ca2+ binding sites in Ca2+-bound hIP3R3.
a, Monomeric structure of Ca2+-bound hIP3R3 colored by domain viewed in the plane of the membrane. Ca2+ and Zn2+ ions are shown as spheres. b, CD Ca2+-binding site at the CLD-ARM2 interface. Residues coordinating the Ca2+ are shown as sticks and the CD Ca2+ ion is shown as a magenta sphere. c, Superposition of the CLD and ARM2 of Ca2+-bound (colored by domain) and apo (grey, left) or Ca2+-bound (colored by domain) and IP3 class 2 (grey, right) aligned by the CLD. d, JD Ca2+-binding site at the ARM3-JD interface. Residues coordinating the Ca2+ are shown as sticks and the Ca2+ ion is shown as a green sphere. e, Superposition of ARM3 and the JD of Ca2+-bound (colored by domain) and apo (grey) aligned by the JD.