Fig. 22.
Upper panel, left: ΔΔε = Δε417 − Δε405 derived from Fig. 21 plotted as a function of the CL concentration of cytr c − 20% TOCL/80% DOPC liposome mixtures. Upper panel, right: integrated intensity of the main sub-band at 340 nm derived from the W59 fluorescence band decomposition plotted as a function of CL concentration. Lower panel: polarized fluorescence, IVV (right) and IVH (left), measured at 340 nm plotted as function of CL concentration. The solid lines result from a global fit described in the text. The error bars for the ΔΔε values are within the size of the used symbols. Captions and figure were taken from ref. (Serpas et al. 2016) with permission