The Lower Mekong River annual discharge statistics. Discharge units are in
m3/sec. Country codes are: CN (China), TH (Thailand), LA (Laos, PDR), and KH
(Cambodia). The drainage area units are in square kilometers. The Qmin and
Qmax refer to the minimum and the maximum annual discharge over the record at
each site. The Q1,
Q2, and
Q3 refer to the 25th,
50th (median), and 75th percentile of the mean annual discharge at
each site. The μ refers to the mean annual discharge over the
record, σ is the unbiased standard deviation, CV
is the coefficient of variation, 𝛾 is the skewness, H is the
Hurst coefficient (Hurst, 1951; Weron, 2002). The coefficient of variation CV is equal to