a, Principal component analysis of CCR2- (n=19) and
CCR2+ (n=19) cardiac macrophages (ICM and DCM). Red:
CCR2+ macrophages, Blue: CCR2- macrophages. b, Bar graph
displaying the number of genes that were differentially expressed between all
CCR2- and CCR2+ macrophages (DCM and ICM) and the number of genes that
were differentially expressed in CCR2- and CCR2+ macrophages stratified
by DCM and ICM designation using a threshold of 1.4X fold change and
FDR<0.05. Blue: increased expression, Red: decreased expression.
c, GSEA pathway analysis revealing pathways enriched in cardiac
CCR2+ versus CCR2- macrophages (ICM and DCM). Statistical significance
was evaluated using false discovery rate (FDR). d, Heat maps
showing relative fold changes in genes associated with chemokine and
immunomodulatory signaling, NFκb and IL6 signaling, as well as selected
growth factors, cytokines, and extracellular matrix remodeling factors. Data are
shown for CCR2+ and CCR2- macrophages obtained from specimens of
patients with ICM or DCM and the results are displayed as average expression
values. All genes displayed on the heat maps were differentially expressed
(FDR<0.05) between CCR2+ and CCR2- macrophages.