TA spectroscopy of ATPE-sorted LV950 SWCNTs
pumped at 748 nm (i.e., in the SQ absorption band).
(a) Peak transient absorption
spectra at early times (solid traces) and steady-state absorption
spectra (dashed traces) of DCM-filled (black traces) and SQ-filled
(red traces) SWCNTs. Dashed vertical lines indicate the probe wavelengths
at which the kinetic slices in panel b, that is, 748 nm (also the
pump wavelength) and in panel c, that is, 1511 nm were obtained. (b)
Kinetic slices for the SQ ground state bleach at 748 nm (blue trace),
with the corresponding biexponential fit (black trace). The kinetic
traces for free SQ dye in toluene (green trace) and the instrument
response function, IRF (gray trace), are shown for reference. A probe-wavelength-dependent
TA map is presented in Figure 4. (c) Kinetic slices at the peak (1511 nm) of the NIR ground
state bleach dominated by the (10,8) S11 transition for
the SQ@LV950-ATPE (red trace) and reference DCM@LV950-ATPE (black
trace). The kinetic trace for the IRF (gray trace) is shown for reference.
Inset: Non-normalized kinetics with same color scheme as main panel.