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. 2018 Aug 2;9:1333. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01333

Table 2.

Changes in affective tone of recent news coverage exposure predicts mental health symptoms and startle modulation controlling for age, gender, and neuroticism.

Outcome B SE t-ratio df p Cohen's d
B00 (Intercept) 3.57 0.27 13.29 90 <0.001* 2.80
B10 (Affective tone) −4.87 1.93 2.52 87 0.014* 0.54
B11 (Age) 0.08 0.20 0.38 87 0.705 0.08
B12 (Gender) 1.50 3.34 0.45 87 0.655 0.10
B13 (Neuroticism) 1.98 3.31 0.60 87 0.552 0.13
B00 (Intercept) 2.71 0.24 11.43 90 <0.001* 2.41
B10 (Affective tone) −4.13 1.71 2.42 87 0.018* 0.52
B11 (Age) 0.17 0.19 0.87 87 0.390 0.19
B12 (Gender) 2.07 2.90 0.72 87 0.477 0.15
B13 (Neuroticism) 1.42 3.19 0.45 87 0.657 0.10
B00 (Intercept) 3.89 0.35 10.84 90 <0.001* 2.29
B10 (Affective tone) −2.72 2.69 1.01 87 0.314 0.22
B11 (Age) 0.11 0.31 0.37 87 0.711 0.08
B12 (Gender) 5.86 4.41 1.33 87 0.187 0.29
B13 (Neuroticism) −1.50 4.24 0.35 87 0.724 0.08
B00 (Intercept) −0.41 0.59 0.69 90 0.491 0.15
B10 (Affective tone) −7.14 3.03 2.36 87 0.020* 0.65
B11 (Age) 0.37 0.26 1.41 87 0.161 0.30
B12 (Gender) 0.57 6.44 0.09 87 0.930 0.02
B13 (Neuroticism) 6.30 4.94 1.28 87 0.205 0.27

All models were of the general form: Ŷwi = π0i + π1i(Xwi) + ewi, where π0i = B00 + r0i and π1i = B10 + B11(Agei) + B12(Genderi) + B13(Neuroticismi) + r1i; Ywi refers to the outcome variable (i.e., physical symptoms, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, or startle modulation) collected at the in-lab session for wave (w) nested within participant (i); Xwi refers to the affective tone of news coverage to which participant i reported being exposed in the two weeks prior to their in-lab session within wave (w); ewi refers to the wave-level error, B00 and B10 refer, respectively, to population-value estimates for the intercept and slope linking the affective tone of recent news coverage exposure to the outcome variable controlling for all other variables (i.e., age, gender, neuroticism); B11, B12, and B13 refer, respectively, to population-value estimates for the change in the slope of B10 as a function of age, gender (dummy-coded), and neuroticism; r0i and r1i refer, respectively, to the participant-level variability in the intercept and slope values (i.e., across-participant variability). Model coefficients are unstandardized.


p < 0.05.