Figure 2.
(a) ML phylogeny of plant T2-type RNases. Nonparametric bootstrap support for nodes 1–3 is in Table 1. Ant., Antirrhinum; Ara., Arabidopsis; Cal., Calystegia; Cic., Cicer; Hor., Hordeum; Luf., Luffa; Lyc., Lycopersicon; Mal., Malus; Med., Medicago; Nel., Nelumbo; Nic., Nicotiana; Ory., Oryza; Pin., Pinus; Pis., Pisum; Pru., Prunus; Pyr., Pyrus; Sol., Solanum; Tri., Triticum; Vol., Volvox; Zea., Zea; Zin., Zinnia. * indicate genes for which intron structure information was obtained. (b) Patterns of intron presence/absence. Boxes indicate the presence (shaded) or absence (unshaded) of introns as numbered in Fig. 3.