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. 2018 Jul 16;10(4):ply043. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/ply043

Table 1.

Results of linear models testing the phenotypic responses of 11 Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes to different timings (early/mid/late) and frequencies (low/high) of temperature stress. Shown are F-ratios and P-values, the latter highlighted in bold when below 0.05.

Flowering time Plant architecture Above-ground biomass Reproductive allocation Fecundity
d.f. F P F P F P F P F P
Leaf sampling 1 0.39 0.533 9.70 0.002 69.05 <0.001 2.27 0.133 1.47 0.226
Stress timing (T) 2 0.22 0.805 20.31 <0.001 2.67 0.071 14.74 <0.001 3.23 0.041
Stress frequency (F) 1 1.46 0.227 0.01 0.931 1.04 0.308 0.83 0.364 0.68 0.409
T × F 2 1.67 0.189 0.37 0.692 0.85 0.428 6.74 0.001 5.66 0.004
Genotype (G) 10 356.23 <0.001 45.19 <0.001 23.61 <0.001 297.90 <0.001 131.11 <0.001
G × T 20 7.97 <0.001 6.53 <0.001 6.63 <0.001 4.73 <0.001 4.99 <0.001
G × F 10 1.59 0.107 1.54 0.123 0.65 0.769 0.82 0.609 0.73 0.694
G × T × F 20 0.78 0.743 1.18 0.265 1.34 0.148 2.47 <0.001 0.87 0.621
Residuals 447–454