Schematic showing the design of 6xABRE SPs used in this study. A, RD29A version of 6xABRE SP. B, ABI1 version of 6xABRE SP. The 7-bp ABRE sequence (red bar) and gene-specific flanking genomic sequences (orange and gray bars) together constitute the 30-bp SP subunit, which was multimerized six times and fused upstream of a minimal promoter (MP) and a reporter gene. The fifth nucleotide (labeled in red) in the uppercased core ABRE sequence (ACGTGTC; Hattori et al., 2002) was changed from G to T for functional studies using the SP or RD29A full-length promoter context. The three nucleotides that are underlined 3′ of the core motif were swapped between 6xABRE_A and 6xABRE_R SPs to test for effect on recruitment of TFs in the Y1H screens. Above the schematics, the 4-bp overhang sequences used during Golden Gate cloning are indicated in uppercase italics. erGFP, Endoplasmic reticulum-localized GFP.