Figure 6.
Tonoplast CIPKs are part of the CBL-CIPK module in ABA signaling during stomatal movement. A, Schematic illustration of the CIPK17 genomic locus with the T-DNA insertion site labeled. B, Transcript analysis verifying the mutant identity of cipk9-1, cipk17, and the cipk9-1;cipk17 double mutant. C, Stomatal aperture with or without 2 h 10 µm ABA treatment (ABA or Control). Results are means ± se (n = 3). For ProGC1:CIPK9CA and ProGC1:CIPK17CA, two independent lines were analyzed in either wild-type or pat10-1 background. Different letters indicate significantly different response to ABA-induced stomatal closure (one-way ANOVA, Tukey-Kramer test, P < 0.05).