(A) Protein interaction network for genes regulated by MPO analyzed by STRING (version 10.0). (B) Correlation analysis between mRNA expression levels of MPO and IL-23A by qRT-PCR. (C) Correlation analysis between mRNA expression levels of MPO and MMP9 by qRT-PCR. (D) Protein expression of MMP9 obtained by IHC assay in human CRC and adjacent tissues TMA. (E) MPO protein expressions of human CRC and adjacent tissues TMA in patients carrying three rs2333227 genotypes were determined. P values were calculated with the Wilcoxon test. (F) MPO rs2333227 genotypes and protein expression of MMP9 in human CRC and adjacent tissues TMA. ***P < 0.001, NS means no significance. (G) The relationship between MPO and MMP9 protein expression and CRC patients’ survival (Log-rank P <0.001). KM analysis was calculated in a sample of 915 CRC patients. (H) Time-dependent ROC analysis for the clinical risk score (TNM, Grade), MPO, MMP9 or the combined MPO, MMP9 and the clinical risk score (TNM, Grade).