1. |
Days to 50% flowering Days to Flowers |
DF |
From sowing to stage when ears have emerged from 50% of main tillers |
2 |
Days to maturity |
DM |
From sowing to stage when 50% of main tillers have mature ears. |
3 |
Basal tiller number |
BT |
Number of basal tillers which bears mature ears |
4 |
Plant height (cm) |
PH |
From the ground level to tip of inflorescence at dough stage |
5 |
Culm Thickness (cm) |
CT |
Diameter of internode between third and fourth node from top at dough stage |
6 |
Flag leaf blade length (cm) |
Measured from ligule to leaf tip at flowering |
7 |
Flag leaf blade width (cm) |
Measured across centre of flag leaf at flowering |
8 |
Peduncle length (cm) |
PL |
From top most node to base of the thumb finger |
9 |
Ear length (cm) |
EL |
From base tip of inflorescence to top of inflorescence at dough stage |
10 |
Ear width (cm) |
EW |
Measured across centre of the inflorescence at dough stage |
11 |
Length of longest finger (cm) |
From the base to tip of longest spike on main tiller at dough stage |
12 |
Width of longest finger (cm) |
Measured across centre of longest finger at dough stage |
13 |
Fingers number per ear |
FN |
The number of fingers present in the main ear head at dough stage was counted |
14 |
Grain Yield (g/plot) |
GY |
Grain yield per plot |