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. 2018 Aug 9;13(8):e0199444. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199444

Table 1. List of agro-morphological traits consisting of 14 quantitative characters studied among finger millet accessions.

S.No. Trait Code Character Description of Traits
1. Days to 50% flowering Days to Flowers DF From sowing to stage when ears have emerged from 50% of main tillers
2 Days to maturity DM From sowing to stage when 50% of main tillers have mature ears.
3 Basal tiller number BT Number of basal tillers which bears mature ears
4 Plant height (cm) PH From the ground level to tip of inflorescence at dough stage
5 Culm Thickness (cm) CT Diameter of internode between third and fourth node from top at dough stage
6 Flag leaf blade length (cm) FLBL Measured from ligule to leaf tip at flowering
7 Flag leaf blade width (cm) FLBW Measured across centre of flag leaf at flowering
8 Peduncle length (cm) PL From top most node to base of the thumb finger
9 Ear length (cm) EL From base tip of inflorescence to top of inflorescence at dough stage
10 Ear width (cm) EW Measured across centre of the inflorescence at dough stage
11 Length of longest finger (cm) LLF From the base to tip of longest spike on main tiller at dough stage
12 Width of longest finger (cm) WLF Measured across centre of longest finger at dough stage
13 Fingers number per ear FN The number of fingers present in the main ear head at dough stage was counted
14 Grain Yield (g/plot) GY Grain yield per plot