BMP7 expression in the cerebellum (A, B), spinal cord (C–G), subventricular zone (H) and choroidal plexus (I). Purkinje cells (arrows in A) and Bergmann glias around the cell bodies of Purkinje cells (arrowheads in A) were very strongly stained, and neuronal cell bodies in cerebellar nuclei (arrowheads in B), neurons in the ventral horn (arrowheads in F), astrocyte-like cells in the white matter (arrowheads in G), and axons in the white matter (arrows in G) were strongly stained. I-III, layers I-III of the spinal cord; Ch, choroidal plexus; CN, cerebellar nuclei; DH, dorsal horn; Gr, granular layer; Mol, molecular layer; Pur, Purkinje cell layer; SVZ, subventricular zone; VH, ventral horn; wm, white matter. Scale bar = 400 μm for C; 80 μm for D, E; 40 μm for A, B, F, G-I.