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. 2018 Aug 9;13(8):e0201449. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201449

Table 2. Accelerometer, body composition and muscular strength and endurance data.

  Baseline Following
Regular Care
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD P value
Accelerometer Data
    N 13 9 10
    Wear Time (min/day) 842.60 21.63 752.34°a 10.74 767.54b 18.32 0.003*
    Sedentary Breaks 62.43 19.36 50.64°a 13.44 68.13Δc 14.26 0.048*
    Counts (per min) 164.92 121.38 109.72a 53.01 147.37c 46.39 0.222
Body Composition
    N 13 13 13
    Total Fat Mass (kg) 23.76 15.16 24.56 14.93 23.23 15.75 0.559
    Total Percent Fat (%) 35.17 11.25 35.48 12.26 33.46 12.81 0.178
    VAT Mass (g) 594.44 742.96 626.44 615.47 397.91 260.20 0.316
    VAT Volume (cm3) 630.33 787.46 664.22 652.24 421.91 275.85 0.316
    Total Lean Body Mass (kg) 40.62 12.80 41.38 13.07 41.99 13.28 0.202
Muscular Strength (kg)
    N 13 13 13
    Latissimus Dorsi Pull Downs 41 17 39 20 40 19 0.730
    Bicep Curl 7.5 2.5 8.0 3.0 9.0Δ 3.5 0.009*
Muscular Endurance (60 s)
    N 13 13 13
    Squats 33 15 30 11 32 12 0.409
    Sit-ups 26 11 28 11 28 11 0.643
    Push-ups 23 12 21 10 27c 14 0.180

VAT, visceral adipose tissue

*Denotes statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) between time points using One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

°Denotes statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) between Baseline and Regular Care using post-hoc paired t-tests

Denotes statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) between Baseline and Exercise using post-hoc paired t-tests

ΔDenotes statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05) between Regular Care and Exercise using post-hoc paired t-tests

aDenotes moderate to large effect size (d = ≥ 0.5) between Baseline and Regular Care using Cohen’s D effect sizes

bDenotes moderate to large effect size (d = ≥ 0.5) between Baseline and Exercise using Cohen’s D effect sizes

cDenotes moderate to large effect size (d = ≥ 0.5) between Regular Care and Exercise using Cohen’s D effect sizes