Localization of Cre activity in the GLYT2-Cre knock-in mice. Combined immunohistochemistry for β-gal (red) and in situ hybridization for GLYT2 (green) in coronal sections of the brainstem from the GLYT2-Cre/R26R double transgenic mouse. Images in the right columns show the same sections counter-stained with DAPI (blue) as a reference. 4V, fourth ventricle; 7, facial nucleus; 7n, facial nerve; 8n, vestibulocochlear nerve; 12, hypoglossal nucleus; Aq, aqueduct; DC, dorsal cochlear nucleus; DTg, dorsal tegmental nucleus; Gi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; GiA, gigantocellular reticular nucleus, alpha part; Gr, granular layer; IC, inferior colliculus; icp, inferior cerebellar peduncle; Int, interposed cerebellar nucleus; IO, inferior olive; Lat, lateral cerebellar nucleus; MdD, medullary reticular nucleus, dorsal part; MdV, medullary reticular nucleus, ventral part; Mo, molecular layer; MVe, medial vestibular nucleus; Pa4, paratrochlear nucleus; Pn, pontine nuclei; PnC, pontine reticular nucleus, caudal part; PnO, pontine reticular nucleus, oral part Pr, prepositus nucleus; Pr5, principal sensory trigeminal nucleus; py, pyramidal tract; RMg, raphe magnus nucleus; SC, superior colliculus; SO, superior olive; SP5, spinal trigeminal nucleus; Tz, nucleus of the trapezoid body; VC, ventral cochlear nucleus; VLL, ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. Scale bars, 1 mm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)