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. 2018 Jul 30;12(7):e0006666. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006666

Table 1. Parameters for the Model (1).

Parameter Description Unit
Sh(t) The number of susceptible humans at time t Number
Eh(t) The number of exposed humans at time t Number
Ih(t) The number of infectious humans at time t Number
Rh(t) The number of recovered humans at time t Number
Sv(t) The number of susceptible mosquitoes at time t Number
Ev(t) The number of exposed mosquitoes at time t Number
Iv(t) The number of infectious mosquitoes at time t Number
H0 The steady-state human population Number
b(t) The total number of bites per day Bites Day−1
biv(t) The average number of bites per day for an infectious mosquito Bites Day−1
bih(t) The total number of bites per day for an infected human Bites Day−1
Rhv(t) The effective reproduction number for transmission from mosquitoes to humans Dimensionless
Rvh(t) The effective reproduction number for transmission from humans to mosquitoes Dimensionless
ψv Per capita birth rate of mosquitoes Number Day−1
σv Average number of times one mosquito bites a human per day Bites Day−1
σh The maximum number of mosquito bites a human tolerates per unit time Bites Day−1
βhv Probability of pathogen transmission from an infectious mosquito to a susceptible human per bite Dimensionless
βvh Probability of pathogen transmission from an infectious human to a susceptible mosquito per bite Dimensionless
νh Average incubation rate for humans Day−1
νv Average incubation rate for mosquitoes Day−1
γh Per capita recovery rate for humans from the infectious state to the recovered state Day−1
μh Per capita recruitment / death / emigration rate for humans Day−1
μv Death rate for mosquitoes Day−1
Kv Mosquito carrying capacity and steady-state Number
ϕψ Factor for decreased birth rate: ψv=ϕψψ˜v Dimensionless
ϕμ Factor for increased death rate: μv=ϕμμ˜v Dimensionless
ϕb Factor for decreased biting rate: σv=ϕbσ˜v Dimensionless
ϕβ Factor for decreased transmissibility: βhv=ϕββ˜hv Dimensionless