Table 2. Descriptive statistics for gameplay experience.
Item | M (SD) |
I enjoyed playing the game | 3.36 (.57) |
I would play this game again | 3.20 (.71) |
I felt responsible for the choices I made in the game | 3.12 (.78) |
I felt connected to my character in the game | 2.96 (.84) |
I would make decisions in my life like I made them in the game | 2.96 (.93) |
I would tell my friends to play this game again | 2.96 (.98) |
I like the way the game looks | 2.92 (.57) |
The game was challenging | 2.68 (.94) |
I felt connected to other characters in the game | 2.40 (1.00) |
I was frustrated with this game | 2.20 (1.04) |
Note. Each item was rated on a scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree).