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. 2018 May 24;6(3):193–202. doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2018.04.005

Table 1.

Prevalence data from international epidemiologic studies on PE

Evaluated for PE Sample method Prevalence, %
Park et al,13 2010 (South Korea) 2,037 Population sample 6.7
Stulhofer and Bajic,14 2006 (Croatia) 601 Population sample 9.5
Solstad and Hertoft,15 1993 (Denmark) 100 Population sample 13.0
Dunn et al,16 1998 (UK) 617 GP list 14.3
Basile et al,17 2005 (Italy) 12,558 Campaign 21.2
Laumann et al,18 2005 (GSSAB) 11,205 CATI 22.5
Porst et al,12 2007 (USA, Denmark, Italy) 12,133 Web sample 22.7
Nolazco et al,19 2004 (Argentina) 2,456 Campaign 28.3
Laumann et al,20 1999 (USA) 1,243 Population sample 30.3
Read et al,21 1997 (UK) 72 GP waiting room 31.0
Lau et al,22 2005 (Hong Kong) 1,571 CATI 36.9
Tang and Khoo,23 2011 (MAL) 207 GP waiting room 40.6

CATI = computer-assisted telephone interviewing; GP = general practitioner; GSSAB = Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors; PE = premature ejaculation.