Fig. 4.
PGC-1α and mitochondrial biogenesis are regulated by CD105/BMP. 22Rv1 cells were incubated with IgG or TRC105 with or without 4 Gy irradiation. All measurements were made 72 h post irradiation. a Western blot for whole-cell lysate, nuclear, and cytoplasmic fractions were independently analyzed for PGC-1α expression. Loading controls included β-actin (whole cell), lamin B (nuclear marker), and Rho A (cytoplasm marker). Molecular weights (kDa) of the ladder are indicated. b Immunofluorescent localization of PGC-1α (green) was visualized with DAPI (blue) nuclear counterstain. c The mRNA expression of PGC-1α target genes, NRF1, MTFA, and CPT1C were measured. MRNA expression was normalized to GAPDH and untreated. d Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was measured from total DNA extracts and normalized to nuclear DNA and to untreated. Data are reported as means ± S.D. of three independent experiments (**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, compared to control unless otherwise indicated)