a, Schematic of monosynaptic rabies tracing (left). Representative images of the MnPO (top right, one of seven mice) and OVLT (bottom right, one of five mice) of an nNOS-cre mouse transduced with AAV-CA-flex-RG and AAV-EF1a-flex-TVA-mCherry (red) followed by RV-SAD-ΔG-eGFP (green). 3V, third ventricle. b, Quantification of eGFP+ neurons in the SFO (n = 7 and 5 mice for MnPO and OVLT, respectively). c, Neural epistasis analysis of the circuits of the lamina terminalis by loss-of-function manipulation. Caspase expression is induced in the MnPO, OVLT (left) or SFO (right) of nNOS-cre mice. d, Casp3-TEVp efficiently eliminates nNOS-expressing neurons (green) in the MnPO (93.2 ± 2.5%, n = 4 mice) and OVLT (90.6 ± 1.4%, n = 6 mice). c-Fos expression (red) upon the stimulation of SFOnNOS neurons is shown. e, Number of licks during the 5-s session (n = 9 mice for controls and OVLTx, n = 7 mice for MnPOx, n = 6 mice for SFOx and SFOx/OVLTx). f, Chemogenetic inhibition of MnPOnNOS neurons by CNO (left, six out of six neurons), and a diagram of photostimulation of SFOnNOS and chemogenetic inhibition of MnPOnNOS neurons (right). g, Cumulative water intake in SFOnNOS-stimulated mice (left, n = 5 mice) or water-restricted mice (middle, n = 10 mice for CNO and n = 9 mice for vehicle), and sucrose (300 mM) intake in food-restricted mice (right, n = 10 mice for CNO and n = 9 mice for vehicle). h, Fibre photometry of SFOnNOS neurons while MnPOnNOS neurons are inhibited by hM4Di-mCherry. i, Intraperitoneal NaCl injection robustly activates SFOnNOS neurons with (red trace) or without (black trace) CNO injection (left and middle left). By contrast, CNO injection drastically suppressed drinking behaviour (middle right, n = 6 mice). Plasma osmolality (top right) and Na+ concentration (bottom right) were measured after NaCl injection (n = 5 mice). **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, by Mann–Whitney U test, paired two-tailed t-test or Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. All error bars and shaded areas show mean ± s.e.m. Scale bars, 50 μm.