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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: AIDS Care. 2017 Oct 11;30(2):160–167. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2017.1384787

Table 1.

Description of scales and single item indicators included in the WAF

Scale/Item Number
of items
Self-Efficacy 7 All Assesses how confident adolescents are in acting certain ways in hypothetical sexual situations (e.g., “how
confident are you that you can talk with a sexual partner about condom use).” Response options are on a Likert-
type scale ranging from 0 (very sure I can’t) to 3 (very sure I can). An average score is calculated across the
seven items with higher scores indicative of greater self-efficacy.
Sexual Relations
and Violence
4 All Assesses how much adolescents agree with statements on beliefs about violence in relationships (e.g., “beating
up a woman is a good sign that a man loves her”). Responses are on a Likert-type scale ranging from 0 (strongly
disagree) to 3 (strongly agree). An average sexual relations and violence score is calculated across the four items
with higher scores indicating stronger agreement that violence is acceptable in relationships.
Risk Reduction
8 Participants
who ever
had sex
Assesses how empowered adolescents feel about the ability to perform risk reduction behaviors (e.g., “refusing
to have sex with my current partner if I don’t want to”). Response options include: “I feel I am NOT strong
enough to do this” (0) and “I feel I AM strong enough to do this (1).” A total risk reduction intentions score is
calculated by summing responses with higher scores an indication of feeling more empowered.
Readiness to
5 Participants
who ever
had sex
Assesses how strongly adolescents agree with statements such as “I am starting to think about the HIV risk from
my behavior.” Response options are on a Likert-type scale from 0 (strongly disagree) to 3 (strongly agree). An
average score is calculated with higher scores indicative of greater readiness to change.
Sexual Behavior
12 Participants
who ever
had sex
12-item section of the WAF that we summed to create a total score. Items ask participants to identify the number
of sexual encounters and partners (lifetime and past 2 months), number of times they had coerced or forced sex,
frequency of condom use and other prophylaxis, the number of sexual encounters following drug use, and the
number of times the adolescent had sex in exchange for drugs, money, or a place to stay. A higher score
represents greater risky sexual behaviors. Adolescents who never had sex are assigned a score of 0.
Based on your
own behavior,
how high is your
own risk of
getting HIV?
1 All Response options range from 0 (no risk) to 4 (a great deal of risk). For this study, response categories were
collapsed into a binary variable such that an original response of 2, 3, or 4 was categorized as 1 and a response of
0 or 1 was categorized as 0.
Do you suspect
or think you
may have HIV?
1 All Yes (1)/No (0)
How concerned
are you about
getting HIV?
1 All Response options range from 0 (not at all) to 3 (very much). For this study, response categories were collapsed
into a binary variable such that an original response of 1, 2, or 3 was coded as 1 and a response of 0 was coded as
I am fearful of
talking about
condom use
1 Participants
who ever
had sex
Response options range from 0 (not at all) to 2 (very much). For this study, response categories were collapsed
into a binary variable such that an original response of 1 or 2 was categorized as 1 and a response of 0 was coded
as 0.
Have you ever
had sex?
1 All Yes (1)/No (0)
Have you ever
had an STI?
1 Participants
who ever
had sex
Yes (1)/No (0)
Have you ever
been tested for
1 All Yes (1)/No (0)
Has your partner
ever been tested
for HIV?
1 Participants
who ever
had sex
Yes (1)/No (0)
Have you ever
been taught
about safe sex?
1 All Yes (1)/No (0)