(a) Fluorescence images and quantification of GFP-LC3B labeled
autophagosomes in YUKSI cells treated with DMSO, 1 μΜ vemurafenib,
1 mM AICAR, or both vemurafenib and AICAR. Data represent meants.e.m. across
three fields of view ( · 75 cells in each condition; **P<0.01).
(b) YUKSI melanoma cells expressing control or shAMPK were cultured with or
without vemurafenib for 24 and 48 h. Levels of pAMPK, pULK1 and LC3B (examined
on a 12% Bis-Tris gel) are shown. (c) Fluorescence images and quantification
showing GFP-LC3B labeled autophagosomes in shCntrl or shAMPK expressing YUKSI
cells treated with DMSO or vemurafenib. Data represent mean±s.e.m.
(shCntrl/DMSO n=55 cells, shCntrl/Vem n=41 cells, shAMPK/DMSO n=36 cells,
shAMPK/Vem n=61 cells; *****P<0.00001 log-rank test).