(A) Assembly with no cargo, for εHH = 2.5, and shell bending modulus parameter εangle = 0.1 (shell bending modulus κs ≈ 20kBT). (B) Assembly with cargo, for εHH = 1.8, εSC = 7.0, and εangle = 0.08 (κs ≈ 18kBT). The final shell has 231 and 2261 hexamers and cargo particles respectively, as well as 12 pentameric vacancies. (C) Assembly with cargo in a small system with low shell bending modulus, for εHH = 1.8, εSC = 7.0, and εangle = 0.015 (κs ≈ 3kBT). The final shell has 71 and 361 hexamers and cargo particles respectively, 8 pentameric vacancies, and 2 double vacancies. An example of a double vacancy is visible in the front of the final frame. Animations of the trajectories in (B) and (C) are shown in S4 and S5 videos respectively.