(A–D) Expression of both wild-type and membrane tethered Yki in the wing
causes overgrowth. nub-Gal4 was used to drive expression of the
indicated Yki transgenes in the wing blade. Representative
images of female adult wings (cultured at 18 °C) of indicated genotypes
are shown. Myr-Yki, Myr-YkiΔNH, and
wild-type Yki all caused overgrowth.
(E–H) Myr-Yki-mediated overgrowth depends on myosin
activity. Removing one dose of the regulatory light chain sqh
(sqhAX3) or the non-muscle myosin
zip (zip1) did not affect wing
size on its own and partially suppressed the Myr-Yki overgrowth
(I) Quantification of wing sizes for the indicated genotypes. Heterozygosity for
sqh or zip suppressed the overgrowth
induced by cortical, Myr-tagged Yki but not wild-type Yki. Data are represented
as mean ± SEM. Asterisks represent statistical significance of the
difference between selected groups (****
p<0.0001; n.s.: not significant [p > 0.05], One-way ANOVA
and Tukey’s HSD test, n = number of wings).
(J–M) Ectopic expression of Yki transgenes in wing discs
causes up-regulation of the Hippo pathway reporter ex-lacZ.
hh-Gal4 was used to drive expression of Yki
transgenes in the posterior compartment of wing discs. The boundary of
expression is marked with a dotted yellow line.
(N–Q) Ectopic expression of membrane-associated Yki in
wing discs causes increased nuclear localization of Yki-YFP. At the position of
these optical sections, the nuclei are seen as dark circles surrounded by
diffuse, cytoplasmically localized Yki-YFP in normal tissue (below the dotted
yellow lines). ap-Gal4 was used to drive expression of
Yki transgenes in the dorsal compartment (above the dotted
lines) of wing discs. Myr-Yki and
Myr-YkiΔNH, but not wild-type
Yki, caused increased nuclear localization of Yki-YFP.
Boxes denote regions shown in high magnification insets; white arrows indicate
See also Figures S3 and